Cognitive Scientist | Teacher | Author


Pooja K. Agarwal, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor, Cognitive Scientist, & Former K-12 teacher. Learn about her work featured in recent news outlets, podcasts, and more.

Interviews & Media Appearances

Dr. Agarwal shares the science of learning with thousands of educators via news outlets, podcasts, YouTube, and blogs. If you would like to interview Dr. Agarwal and feature her work, please email her for more information.

Press & Podcast Interviews

November 12, 2024: Podcast interview with EA Unlocked

October 30, 2023: Interview with The Metronome

October 20, 2023: Interview with Edutopia

September 28, 2023: Interview with the Chronicle of Higher Ed

August 17, 2023: Podcast interview with Bonni Stachowiak on Teaching in Higher Ed

July 20, 2023: Interview with Bored Panda

July 9. 2023: Interview with Vox

January 18, 2023: YouTube interview with Tatiana Teaches

December 27, 2022: Podcast interview with PsychSessions

November 1, 2022: Podcast interview with eLearn

August 18, 2022: Podcast interview with The Dr. Joe Show

April 19, 2022: YouTube interview with Mythbusters

April 13, 2022: Interview with ASCD

April 8, 2022: YouTube interview with The Learning Scientists

August 6, 2021: Podcast interview with Kate Jones on Teachers Talk Radio

April 23, 2020: YouTube interview with Matt Miller on Ditch That Textbook

March 5, 2020: Podcast interview with The Learning Scientists

February 11, 2020: Interview with the Society for the Teaching of Psychology

November 19, 2019: YouTube interview with A.J. Juliani

November 1, 2019: Podcast interview with The Pew Charitable Trusts After the Fact

September 14, 2019: Podcast interview with NPR Life Kit

September 1, 2019: Podcast interview with the Teacher Toolkit

July 22, 2019: Podcast interview with Coaching for Leaders

June 18, 2019: Podcast interview with ISTE’s Course of Mind

June 9, 2019: Podcast interview with Jennifer Gonzalez on The Cult of Pedagogy

February 7, 2019: Interview with HUBweek Change Makers

December 6, 2018: Podcast interview with the Consortium for Policy Research in Education

October 13, 2018: Podcast interview with Jamie Clark on The Staffroom

August 4, 2018: YouTube interview with The Learning Agency

December 21, 2017: Podcast interview with Bonni Stachowiak on Teaching in Higher Ed

December 17, 2017: YouTube interview with Matt Miller on Ditch That Textbook

November 3, 2017: Interview with Andrew Watson and Learning & the Brain

September 24, 2017: Podcast interview with Jennifer Gonzalez on Cult of Pedagogy

October 12, 2016: YouTube interview with Digital Promise

March 31, 2016: Podcast interview with Bonni Stachowiak on Teaching in Higher Ed